Loop 88 meeting Tuesday night at Lubbock-Cooper … [Read more...]
Abilene-area news for 7/24/2018
13 new officers graduate Friday, join the Abilene … [Read more...]
Wichita Falls-area news for 7/24/2018
Excessive heat causing problems to WF … [Read more...]
Anti-Wimp: Rental business employee uses firearm to stop assault
Lubbock Police Officers were called to a U-Haul … [Read more...]
Lubbock-area news for 7/23/2018
Lubbock unemployment rate 3.6% in June Chief … [Read more...]
Abilene-area news for 7/23/2018
Abilene unemployment rate 3.7% in June Taylor … [Read more...]
Wichita Falls-area news for 7/23/2018
Wichita Falls unemployment rate 3.9% in June … [Read more...]
Lubbock-area news for 7/19/2018
Public Meeting Scheduled to Discuss Progress on … [Read more...]
Abilene-area news for 7/19/2018
City asks for less money from county for FY 2019 … [Read more...]
Wichita Falls-area news for 7/19/2018
City approves issuing, refinancing bonds … [Read more...]
Lubbock-area news for 7/18/2018
City of Lubbock warns public to not swim in Playa … [Read more...]
Abilene-area news for 7/18/2018
Price tag for new voting machines is $2 million - … [Read more...]
Wichita Falls-area news for 7/18/2018
City Council approves ruling to prohibit movement … [Read more...]
RIP David Nelson. He knew serving as precinct chairman was important.
Terrible news arrived early Wednesday from a … [Read more...]
Lubbock-area news for 7/17/2018
Progress made on Citizen's Tower VIDEO Shaping … [Read more...]
Abilene-area news for 7/17/2018
Taylor County departments request $9 million more … [Read more...]
Wichita Falls-area news for 7/17/2018
Council approves contract for downtown crosswalk … [Read more...]
Lubbock-area news for 7/16/2018
Officials say Citizen's Tower expected to be … [Read more...]
Abilene-area news for 7/16/2018
CPS cases, personnel among county budget … [Read more...]
Wichita Falls-area news for 7/16/2018
Juvenile curfew, storage pods and oversized load … [Read more...]
Lubbock-area news for 7/13/2018
Food Trucks Could Be Coming To A Lubbock City Park … [Read more...]
Abilene-area news for 7/13/2018
Trent ISD opening up enrollment to Abilene and … [Read more...]
Wichita Falls-area news for 7/13/2018
DOJ Texas Northern District to add two more … [Read more...]
Lubbock-area news for 7/12/2018
Poll: Do you favor Lubbock Co. commissioners … [Read more...]
Taylor County: $2 million for wants ahead of needs is bad policy
What would you think of a county commissioner who … [Read more...]