The latest from Pratt on Texas

America’s original college campus DEI fighter: Dr. Steven Balch tells how the fightback began – Pratt on Texas 2/7/2025

The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Steven Balch, Ph.D. may be America's original D.E.I. on campus fighter! He is also a regular Pratt on Texas listener which is a great honor to me. Today we talk … [Read More...]

Dems admit it is “revolution” they are about | School choice passes Senate, again | Border news – Pratt on Texas 2/6/2025

The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Once again, for the sixth time, the Texas Senate has passed a true school choice bill, SB 2. It's now up to the House to get it passed and without mucking it up to … [Read More...]

Why Abbott’s VATRE proposal is good | Judge says taxpayers must fund legal services to immigrants – Pratt on Texas 2/5/2025

The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Governor Abbott's proposal to require a super-majority of 2/3rs for voter-approval tax rate elections is right. I explain why one of the most common arguments … [Read More...]

Abbott: Pass school choice without big payoff to ISDs | ISD performance worse with more money – Pratt on Texas 2/4/2025

The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Abbott says we'll pass school choice without the big handout, offered last time, to the ISD bureaucracies. The governor points out that when offered billions last … [Read More...]

Feds deputize Tx troops on border | Mexico to deploy troops | Abbott’s 7 legislative emergency items – Pratt on Texas 2/3/2025

The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Now friendly feds deputize Texas National Guard troops to make immigration related arrests at the border in a full reversal of past federal policy. Also, Mexico … [Read More...]

Key 2nd Amendment ruling from 5th Circuit | Texas immigration enforcement law set for trial in July – Pratt on Texas 1/31/2025

The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an important Second Amendment ruling yesterday that properly, further entrenches the historical framing required on … [Read More...]

Tepper’s HB1453 needs big support | Irving ISD angry it got caught | DEI/CRT at Tech, A&M | Border news – Pratt on Texas 1/30/2025

The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Rep. Carl Tepper has a bill, HB 1453, to further protect taxpayers from local government officials who have booted integrity and obvious right-and-wrong to the … [Read More...]

Senate moves school choice out of committee, House hasn’t even named committees yet | Border news – Pratt on Texas 1/29/2024

The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: The Texas Senate has already moved school choice, Senate Bill 2, out of committee - meanwhile the BurrowCrat House leadership hasn't even appointed permanent … [Read More...]

Burrows had Obama lawyer write House rules, then pushed rules through without debate or amendment – Pratt on Texas 1/28/2025

The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Cartel gunmen opened fire on U.S. officials across the Rio Grande yesterday demonstrating how right is President Trump at naming these groups terrorist … [Read More...]

Texas Leftists protest deporting criminal illegal aliens | Abbott makes a wrong move on speech – Pratt on Texas 1/27/2025

The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Just the tiniest point of the immigration law enforcement spear has been shown over the last few days and so far, the public seems supportive. However, don't think … [Read More...]

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On Virtue & the Republic

Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them. — Edwin Meese III


On Political Pessimism

Defeatist cynicism is an arrogance that we too know an outcome – we do not. Our Creator expects us to fight for good until He ends the game, not us. — Robert W. Pratt


On Liberty

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it. — Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart


On Right

The fool is disturbed not when they tell him that his ideas are false, but when they suggest that they have gone out of style. — Nicolás Gómez Dávila


On Political Correctness

Political correctness never rears its ugly head independently. It always shows up as a series of actions designed, to this observer, to crush the souls of those blessed with common sense. — Milo Yiannopoulos


On pessimism and difficulty

When you encounter difficulties, you need to be optimistic. The pessimists tend to die. — Zhou Youguang


On American Liberals

Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views. — William F. Buckley, Jr.


On Universities

Universities have become a place to provide economic and political protection for those who hold economically and politically unworkable ideas. — Robert W. Pratt


On Rush Limbaugh

William F. Buckley is the esteemed father of the American conservative movement and gave it meaning; Ronald Reagan took conservatism to the public, showed it worked, and made it popular; Rush Limbaugh is the man who embedded political conservatism into our culture. — Robert W. Pratt


On Mistakes in Politics

Politics, as opposed to science, does not reward the correction of mistakes, given that correcting a mistake also entails admitting to having made one. Worse, the bigger the mistake, the greater the political urgency of defending it at all costs. — Lionel Shriver


On Rights and Freedoms

When we think of our rights and freedoms as rewards for good behavior, we lose. — Meghan Murphy


On Republican Moderates

Republican “moderates” rarely fight hard for anything, except for other Republicans giving up their principles. — Robert W. Pratt


On Judging Public Policy

Judge public policies by their results, not their intentions. – Milton Friedman


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