Harris Co. judge taking advice of Bertolt Brecht?


I heard with interest the story about Harris County possibly starting up a fund to pay for the legal bills of illegal immigrants.  (Of course, the same courtesy will not be offered to citizens.)  Any time I hear something like this – like the recent decision by Cambridge, MA city government to NOT cite illegal immigrants for driving without a license – I think of the words of a communist playwright, Bertolt Brecht, who didn’t figure out what communism was and is all about until it was too late:

After the uprising of the 17th of June

Leaflets were distributed in the Stalinallee

By the writer’s union stating that the people

Had lost the confidence of the government and that

it could only be won back through

redoubled efforts.

Would it not be easier

in that that case for the government to

dissolve the people

and elect another?
[emphasis added]

– The Solution (written in the aftermath of the East Berlin uprising of 17 June 1953)

All Miss Hidalgo (I believe that is her name) is doing is taking Brecht’s advice, as is the Democrat party.

– Steven, in Swisher County


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  1. Pratt on Texas says

    It is a great day when I can mention Bertolt Brecht in the show related to something in the news of Texas! Way to go Steven!

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