Listener email & posts on Todd Staples debacle

I’ve grouped ALL written feedback, in the order received, to the Todd Staples argue with the host instead of talk to the voters “interview”, from Wednesday, 12 February 2014.


Obviously, your comments have been hurting his campaign here. His performance today hurt him more than helped him in my opinion. Not smart

Donald V.


You were very gracious to let him back on the air!! Proud of you. I would have told to go ‘suck a rock’!!


via Facebook during the show:

Dang Todd Staples how you just gone come out swinging??? Somebody invite you in they house and you come out with an argument… I’m listening to Robert Pratt and this man in the background the whole time while Pratt talking rambling lol poor man…

M. W. in Wichita Falls


Anyway, on my way home, I heard your very long conversation with a Todd Staples fanatic.  Then, I recalled the EIB University lecture on “Seminar Callers.”  I heard key phrases like, “I always listen to you” and “I enjoy your show,” etc.  Then it hit me.  A seminar caller got past the call screener and is hammering Pratt.  After I arrived at home, I heard a second caller, a woman this time.  No! No!  Another Todd Staples seminar caller.  Mr. Pratt, you need a “Bo Snerdley” to intercept these seminar callers.  [Yeah she was in Fort Worth where we’re not on the air. Doubtful she was an every day listener. – Pratt]

Best wishes.  Remember; as El Rushbo once said, “the callers are there to make the host look good.” [I think they did, to those not emotionally attached to Staples. – Pratt]



Wow! I was driving home from Dallas when you and Staples tangled. You friggin cleaned his clock!!! lol The guy lost my respect after only 3 seconds on air – he came out swinging and I laughed my butt off when you handed him his head.


Mr Pratt,

OK – I am the one they warned you about! ;)The loyal Mark Levin #1 fan (still am).

Once I am loyal-I am that way for life because it takes a long time for me to trust. I have been kicked around a lot in life. A mousy battered wife, who God gave a strong, bold, voice to. Talk radio-my strong Conservative-Christian stance-is what sees me through.

Today as I listened to you-I realized that you are as much of my daily life, not in the background,  as Beck, Levin and Rush.

I love your tenacity,  your undiluted truth and your pure Texas grit.

Thank you , too,for being on the same page.

I thank Mike Hendren [News/Talk 1290 boss] for introducing you to us.

Your Falls Girl Fan,
P. F.

Subject: Gov’t hack’s bad behavior


I was stunned at the spoiled brat outrage displayed by our Ag Commissioner yesterday. Even before you “told the truth” on this guy, I had a feeling each time I heard his radio ads (played ALOT here in Abilene area) that there is the epitome of insincerity.

And you know what? It’s not just major political leaders that have this “I’m better than you” condescending attitude. Every State & Federal Gov’t employee that I encounter (okay 90% or more) have this piss poor, rude, attitude, and I AM SICK OF IT!

This week, I & my neighbors received an oversized pamphlet from the Susan Queen campaign. It’s a questionaire wanting our input on apprx a dozen hot button issues. Why ask us now? Because it’s campaign time, that’s why.

I (like you) have a LARGE burr under my saddle over many things, but this yr, the State of Tx has followed suit with Fedzilla, “requiring” electronic filing for this, electronic PAYMENT of taxes for that. I RESENT IT LIKE HELL, that many more layers of both intrusion, security risk have been forced upon me & my small business against my will.

I’m glad to pay the State sales taxes that I collect, but I don’t like that I have yet another bunch that I have to be concerned about, that have instant access to my banking records. Yes, Gov’t ‘could’ get info about my bank info before all this electronic filing and paying came about. But now, hundreds of thousands of State & Federal peons can access more about me than my mother ever knew, by just dancing on a gov’t computer keyboard.

I could rant for much longer, but no need. You know where I’m coming from. I’m proud of the way you stood up to Todd Staples. I was thinking I wouldn’t vote for him before, but now, it’s for certain!

Long live FREEDOM (from overbearing Gov’t) and Texas!

John, near B/Gap


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  1. Well, I walked out to the mailbox and missed the fireworks today… but I didn’t miss the embarrassing aftermath, loaded with poor sheeple lacking in understanding of how politics works, Texas law, and the fact that Farm Bureau has sold out to the crony capitalist mutinational corps.

    I would ask the Lamb Co caller, is he aware of Farm Bureau’s position on amnesty for river-wading illegal aliens? IMO, that formerly conservative organization has sold it’s membership down the river.

    I go to Farm Bureau’s website regularly, but my comments to their leadership never seem to get past the site moderators.

  2. Robert~

    You were a gentleman in and out with that idiot.

    I texted my boss, and told him you “Pratt just had a knock-down, drag-out with the rudest politician I had ever heard. Pratt has the biggest “you-know-whats” and no one else in this beloved State has the courage or nerve to hang up on a sitting politician.”

    Please keep up the GREAT work you do for us each day.

    Bless you Robert.

  3. Come on now Robert, we all know you’ve had it out for Todd Staples for a while now. As a Republican who is frustrated almost daily with the moderate end of this party, I for one am proud Todd Staples stood up to you. That type of tenacity is what we need in our conservative leaders! Still love you Robert.

    • Pratt on Texas says

      I’ve not “had it out” for Todd Staples. I express opinions that are negative toward him when it comes up in the news, that’s all – that’s what I do. Staples came on the show, not as a caller, but as a guest to talk about the campaign. It is clear that what he did was come on with the purpose of arguing with me instead of talking to voters. If his people had said this was their purpose I would have had him on at the top of the hour and had him for the full hour. What he did was unprofessional and silly. I’ve been expressing opinion about him for 3 years and yet not once, not one time, has he or any backer called in to argue (the appropriate roll of a caller as opposed to a guest.) Funny how now that it’s election time he and his backers are suddenly interested in Northwest Texas – and it demonstrates my overall point from the beginning that Staples has generally ignored the area until election time.

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