Listener: On mass shootings & fantasies of gun-banning liberals


You made a comment yesterday about a Texas Sherriff and gun control. “People are always going to find a way to hurt other people if they want to…”

True. With the rash of shootings we have seen I am left wondering why a nut would even use a gun. It’s not their effectiveness at creating terror, mayhem and death in and of themselves. Because, any person of average or better intelligence could cause a lot more destruction and horror using things that are much more easily available than guns. I don’t spend time thinking about such things, but you can obviously cause a lot more destruction with diesel fuel or gasoline (bombs, flamethrowers), gunpowder, trucks, fertilizer (ala McVeigh), homemade C4, mustard gas (bleach and vinegar), etc etc and on and on with very little knowledge or expertise. Of course, a main premise of the leftist fantasy is that individuals are stupid and completely unenlightened and the elitist left can and should control everything that we own, know and think. Example, Charles Schumer called for controls on 3D printers when a lawyer devised a crude 3D printable gun. Really? Really? Prohibition is another example of the leftist fantasy. Ban something made with yeast and starch and $100 in equipment? Really? In a free society?

The left claims its because guns are too available, too dangerous and should be highly controlled and then its easy to see they will be outright banned. In order to reach this collectivist goal, they won’t even consider protecting innocent precious children using guns, even though it is the most practical, effective, safe, and cost effective way to do it. Instead they make our most precious people, into nut magnets with targets on them – all shootings happen where people are disarmed by the left. To me, this really shows the heinous mindlessness of collectivist thinking, or collectivist refusal to think.

It’s more likely nuts use guns because of the popular culture in video games and visual media entertainment than availability; they are copycats because they know the media will heighten any story that works against the 2nd amendment and further warp people’s perceptions of guns; or because their minds are too corrupted on the drugs their mental health doctors are giving them. I also frankly would not be surprised if some these shootings are directly set-up by the left; a sacrifice for the cause. They are certainly indirectly set up by school gun bans and media coverage.

I suppose the left could argue that allowing concealed carry or armed guards in schools would escalate things. Well, let’s see then. I very much doubt it. We are instead leaving our children sitting ducks. And, we are turning into a 1984 society where we are all watched, controlled, mistrusted, manipulated and slowly enslaved.


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