Items that make the show stack or upon which I … [Read more...]
Pratt’s post for 1/9/2019
Items that make the show stack or upon which I … [Read more...]
Pratt’s Post for 1/7/2019
Items that make the show stack or upon which I … [Read more...]
Pratt’s Post for 12/26/2018
Items that make the show stack or upon which I … [Read more...]
Was TTU’s Duncan forced out by covetous-for-reappointment regents for fighting FOR Tech?
The retirement of Robert Duncan as chancellor of … [Read more...]
UT regents double-down on bad management culture
It baffles me that some people have such misplaced … [Read more...]
Texas A&M officials offer up disproved socialist ideas
Hey Texas Aggies, how does it strike you to hear … [Read more...]
Legislators need to stop Texas Tech’s political advocacy
Last year I published a story demonstrating that … [Read more...]
Why does Texas Tech not treat traditional ideas equally?
Last summer we learned that we are paying for … [Read more...]
Why support Texas Tech if it doesn’t support you?
“Lovely way for Tech to make the national … [Read more...]
Is anti-Semitism a problem at Texas universities?
From a report by Merrill Hope at Breitbart … [Read more...]
Leftist twaddle only passes muster due to our skepticism deficit
A recent email from a Texas state university … [Read more...]
For all that college money we aren’t getting much
Think you are getting your money's worth with our … [Read more...]
Radical “transplant” to Texas behind TSU speech debacle
Jonathan Tilove of the Austin American-Statesman … [Read more...]
Texas Tech hosts plenty of Leftism. Let’s hope such didn’t contribute to a policeman’s death
There are many who naively believe that good ol' … [Read more...]
Why was alleged Tech shooter not searched, handcuffed?
It appears that Hollis Alvin James Reid Daniels, … [Read more...]
MSU rally participants contradict selves on hate speech
The key line in the story from The Wichitan, the … [Read more...]
UT-Austin officials unconcerned with crimes of Leftwing radicals
Our friends at the Texas Scorecard reported that … [Read more...]
Mills: Public Schools, Universities Benefit From Oil, Gas Production
By Alex Mills Crude oil and natural gas … [Read more...]
SMU Leftists cave; issued policy still an embarrassment
SMU Leftists cave. From the SMU Daily … [Read more...]
SMU’s Catch 22: We’re for free speech, unless it offends
I first picked up the story on Methodists' further … [Read more...]
TTU-LGBTQIA – what about R, S, Z, U or W?
In a story exclusive to Pratt on Texas, we learned … [Read more...]
Exclusive: Texas Tech, sex changes, your money and odd grammar
Texas Tech using taxpayer money to propagandize … [Read more...]
Does it really cost this much to get a university leader in Texas?
"Two of the three highest-paid public university … [Read more...]
When and where has loosened sexual morality reduced abuse?
In a column at National Review headlined “Sexual … [Read more...]