Not much new from Austin even with House finally meeting | Baylor found negligent – Pratt on Texas 10/25/2023

The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: The Texas House met today, finally, to handle special session items and there is not much new: Democrats are against border security and RINOs still prefer the big government socialist model of public education over freedom and parental choice.

Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

Jury finds Baylor university was negligent in its handling of ex-student’s domestic violence case, awards $270K in damages.

U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.

U.S. House: Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson wins Speaker job with full backing of the GOP caucus. To all the “embarrassed” hand-wringers: This is how it is supposed to work, in public view with votes and debate. Our country is NOT supposed to be governed through backroom deals kept from public view and I find it troubling that so many think such is the better, less “clownish” or “embarrassing” method.

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