Others now noticing the farce, so far, of “school choice” bills in the legislative special session – Pratt on Texas 10/12/2023

The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: Finally someone else notices what I said Monday and Tuesday about the so-called “school choice” being considered, so far, in the legislative special session: It looks like a ruse to throw huge amounts more of our tax money to school districts while providing very little to no actual school choice.

Jeramy Kitchen, of Texans For Fiscal Responsibility, gets it right with: School Choice for All… Some… Not That Many.

“Records from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) show over 5 million students in the Texas government school system alone. This number does not include students who are currently in private schools or using other education options. As currently written, it appears Creighton’s legislation would, at a maximum, only service about 1 percent of existing government school students, and what’s more, once the appropriated money runs out, it reverts to a lottery system. I would hardly call that “universal.”

Government schools need to earn their way in society as does every other sector.

Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

State Rep. Tinderholt calls on the Texas House to apologize to AG Ken Paxton for its botched impeachment scheme. Speaker Phelan retaliates with: Speaker Phelan limits Rep. Tinderholt’s ability to make parliamentary inquires on the floor.

Much other news of Texas too including Houston being proud it removed a monument to Christopher Columbus. I guess when you have “pride” in homosexuality, you can be proud of just about anything.

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