Why school choice is polling much higher | Tyler’s non-Lefty bishop target of Lefty-friendly Pope- Pratt on Texas 6/27/2023

The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: Polling in Texas shows a massive increase in support for true public school choice with landslide numbers favoring such. And while so many legislators were elected to do little but protect the money flows to the government owned and operated school bureaucracy, people across the nation seem to finally be awakening to the decades of rot that has made traditional public schooling anything but traditional and resulted in it being unpalatable for those with moral and ethical values.

Robert Zimmerman

Our friend Robert Zimmerman has penned an essay on this subject that is worth sharing with all: The insidious presence of porn in K-12 public schools.

Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

Texas named best business climate in the United States. Meanwhile the service and retail sectors are hurting in the Lone Star State.

U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court stubs its collective toe in yet another muddled decision on states and elections that will only invite more lawsuits.

The Vatican and Lefty-friendly Pope Francis is going after Tyler’s Roman Catholic Bishop who hasn’t surrendered sufficiently to the Leftist secular culture.

Texas college allegedly fired biology professor for teaching sex was determined by chromosomes X and Y. Odd that a public community college, part of the Alamo Community Colleges District, opposed to religious values would be named “Saint” Philips College!

And, other news of Texas.

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