The news of Texas covered today includes:
Our Lone Star story of the day: In the middle of a war for the future of our society, it seems many Republican elected officials have no appetite for victory but instead worry more about the back-end bureaucracy. It’s as if they would rather lose at the front if winning takes time and energy away from the trappings of being some type of power broker and, it is shameful.
- Texas House Republicans Reject Effort to Fix Watered-down DEI Ban
Texas Public School Administrators Admit to Ignoring Critical Race Theory Ban– read the story, it proves what I said the colleges will do under the watered-down non-ban DEI bill.
- Rural Texas Republicans fight school choice and here’s why that’s a surprise (the schools in their districts are bad!)
- Senate OKs Medicaid expansion for new mothers – smaller gov’t? helping people make better choices to get off assistance? No. Just more promotion of a Democrat dependency agenda.
- Landgraf’s Energy Independence Act goes to governor’s desk – a good frustrate the feds bill
- Tenure Reform at Public Universities Passes in Texas House – “…neither eliminates tenure nor changes anything about the tenure process as it exists in the university system. Kuempel agreed…” So why bother!?
And yes, tomorrow I’ll get to allegations that Speaker Phelan was intoxicated while presiding over the House last Friday night.
Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.
Texas Land Commissioner Buckingham points out just how bad is the EPA/Biden new power plant policy.
Texas artist gets surprise order from Coca-Cola for his Topo Chico hand painted shoes.

Lubbock County courthouse
KCBD: Lubbock Co. commissioners ‘excited’ about possible new medical examiner’s office. Why no question or mention of a bond-debt election to cover the other costs? Why no question about the county’s infamous troubles, and costs, in running such a program?
And, other news of Texas.
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