Podcast Extra: Is rational thought & good behavior now found mostly with the religious? Bob Zimmerman discusses.

Robert Zimmerman

This Podcast Extra begins with two blacklisting of Americans updates from author and historian Robert Zimmerman of behindtheblack.com. I’ve made this a separate Podcast Extra because of the important discussion which follows about the decline of intellectual ability, flipping of the Enlightenment, and much more about the lowering of our society and how people in it relate to one another.

Zimmerman described the segment this way: “This might have been one of the best discussions between Robert and myself about the Enlightenment, about rational thought, about religion, and about critical thinking (or the lack thereof in modern society). I strongly urge my readers to spend 26 minutes listening. It is well worth it.”

Blacklisted Americans is Zimmerman’s term for victims of what is currently called “cancel culture.”

See all Blacklisted Americans stories here: https://behindtheblack.com/blacklisted-americans/

Find other Pratt on Texas Podcast Extra blacklisting updates here: https://prattontexas.com/?s=blacklist

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