Disgraceful Democrat reaction to murder of 5 in Texas | Phelan gives Dem priorities vote before many key GOP bills – Pratt on Texas 5/1/2023

The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: Outrage from Democrats and the Left over the mass murder in Cleveland, Texas but not over the fact that the murderer was an illegal alien and had re-entered the country 3 (maybe 5) times. Nope, Democrats are hopping mad that in offering a huge reward to capture the guy, he used the term “illegal immigrants” in a tweet. They are also angry over the type of gun used as if an AR-15 style rifle works any differently than any other semi-automatic rifle (it doesn’t.)

Also in this story we learn how being unarmed and relying upon a police response in time to stop murder is often fruitless.

And if that was not enough, we see our oh-so-professional FBI put an innocent family at risk by wrongly putting out another Texas man’s photo as the wanted man.

Meanwhile thousand per day cross our border illegally because there is no effective control, people who have been previously deported like this wanted man, and Democrats, media liberals, and other Leftists call us bigots, xenophobes, racists, and more just because we favor a controlled national border!

Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

Texas House passes bill to decriminalize marijuana. The leadership of Speaker Dade Phelan found time for an early vote on marijuana and a host of other Democrat priorities such as last week’s vote on banning corporal punishment in schools, while Republican priorities including stopping D.E.I. on campus, other border security bills, and a host of other key legislation will either not even get a vote or, will be heard at the very last moment and pushed into the calendar so late that much will not get a vote as time runs out.

Speaker Dade Phelan

Meanwhile Phelan talks of vacation and even let the House out early last week because severe storms were forecast for Dallas – when do we not have severe weather all across the state in the Spring!?

Trump weighed in over the weekend against the Texas House’s property tax relief plan and in favor of the Senate plan. Called the speaker “California Dade.”

And, other news of Texas.

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