School teacher turnover is not high despite media reports | Much border news | New polling – Pratt on Texas 7/6/2022

The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: When media and advocates warn about public school teacher turnover they seem to never ask the key question: How does that turnover compare to other parts of the economy? Why do they not ask? Partly ignorance and partly because you’ll find that despite all the panic inducing stories trying to raise teacher pay, turnover of Texas public school teachers is actually very low compared to other sectors of the economy and even very low when compared to general government employee turnover.

Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

As expected, Biden’s political DOJ going after Gov. Abbott’s Operation Lone Star. Meanwhile border counties are asking for more than theater border security – which is what Abbott’s OLS is to this point.

Dirty pool played by Amarillo leadership.

When it comes to State Veterans Cemeteries, the state needs to maintain them and leave local government out of the picture.

New polling shows Abbott ahead of O’Rourke by 6 points and shows Sen. Cornyn with lower approval ratings than Joe Biden in Texas!

Update on two A.G. Paxton legal issues.

And, other news of Texas.

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