Lobby firm Akin Gump supports Heckler’s Veto; Not possible to honor anyone or anything if all must agree

Pratt on TexasThe Marxist-style move to purge Texas of visible significant bits of its history continues across the state with no amount of specific capitulation being enough. In pure Marxist-style there is no room for mutual accommodation, there is only a demand that society conform completely to the viewpoint of those who claim to be offended.

There was an AP story about how a giant lobbying firm, Akin Gump, was working free to help 17-year-old Jacob Hale, the youth who has been on a warpath to purge Texas of historic references to its dark days as part of the Confederate States of America. The firm sent a letter to Texas leaders asking them to remove Confederate Heroes Day from a long list of official state observance days.

Their reasoning elevates all control over societal expression to the heckler…

“While many are appropriately concerned about erasing history, it is not necessary to formally honor Confederates as heroes to remember their actions; particularly since what is heroic is subjective, and many Texans do not find the actions of Confederates heroic,” the letter read.

As a lifelong Lincoln Republican, I’m no supporter of the Confederacy. However, I am a supporter of freedom of expression, as well as intellect,  in the public space and that line demonstrates what is most wrong with these abolitionists of history: Their reasoning elevates all control over societal expression to the heckler; the heckler’s veto if you will.

The line “particularly since what is heroic is subjective, and many Texans do not find the actions of Confederates heroic,” says it all. By that standard our society, or any part thereof, can never, at any time, honor or hold up for recognition anyone for anything because there will always be those who disagree and find the actions of [insert here] to be objectionable and non-heroic.

There is a heckler to everything and the idea that society cannot express remembrance of someone or something unless all are in agreement is preposterous.

Heck, we currently have a member of Congress, Ilhan Omar, who describes the horrific attacks on our country on 11 September 2001 as a time when “some people did something.” That view certainly contradicts the general view of an historic mass-murdering attack on the United States of America in which thousands were killed purposefully by militant Islamists.

There is a heckler to everything and the idea that society cannot express remembrance of someone or something unless all are in agreement is preposterous.

Would Akin Gump have it that all references to Martin Luther King, Jr. be taken down because a number of people, especially bigots but others too for other reasons, do not find his actions heroic?

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