I’m finding it hard to believe that it is already the 30th of January 2019! Time flies so make the most of it as it appears many non-citizens have done in Texas when it comes to elections.
Sam Taylor, a spokesman for the Texas secretary of state’s office, explained to the press “that his office used “our strongest possible matching criteria to make sure each of the matches was the same person.” He said that although county election chiefs were instructed Friday in a written advisory to treat the names as “WEAK matches” while they investigate, Taylor said it did not “mean the criteria used to match the names was weak,” reported the Associated Press.
Taylor is speaking about a “yearlong investigation of Texas voter rolls has indicated that about 95,000 non-U.S. citizens might have improperly registered to vote, including about 58,000 who cast a ballot “in one or more Texas elections” since 1996,” according to an Austin American-Statesman report.
“Lisa Wise, the election administer in El Paso County along the U.S.-Mexico border, said she received a list of 4,100 potential non-citizens. She said her office would investigate, but that after a first scan she could tell all of the names wouldn’t hold up. Wise said that at naturalization ceremonies for new U.S. citizens, her office registers between 150 and 200 to people alone.
even if the number were reduced by 75% it would still be 14,500 illegal ballots that canceled out the legal vote of 14,500 Texas citizens.
“Anything is possible,” she said. “But I can tell just from our list, and I don’t know what anyone else’s looks like, but I can tell that universe is going to continue to shrink”,” the AP reported.
So what?
Is it somehow less scandalous if the 58,000 number shrinks by half to only 29,000 non-citizen illegal voters? Heck, even if the number were reduced by 75% it would still be 14,500 illegal ballots that canceled out the legal vote of 14,500 Texas citizens.
Even if, after tighter data analysis at the local level, it turns out the top-level analysis was 90% overstated that would still be 5,800 illegal votes cast. Exactly why would that number not still be recognized as unacceptably scandalous, especially given how many Texas races are decided by fewer than a hundred votes?
Now maybe you understand why I alone had listed robust funding the AG’s election fraud unit as a top priority for lawmakers in Austin this session, it is number 4 in my list.
Numbers show why lawmakers must fund the AG’s election fraud unit fully
Sam Taylor, a spokesman for the Texas secretary of state’s office, explained to the press “that his office used “our strongest possible matching criteria to make sure each of the matches was the same person.” He said that although county election chiefs were instructed Friday in a written advisory to treat the names as “WEAK matches” while they investigate, Taylor said it did not “mean the criteria used to match the names was weak,” reported the Associated Press.
“Lisa Wise, the election administer in El Paso County along the U.S.-Mexico border, said she received a list of 4,100 potential non-citizens. She said her office would investigate, but that after a first scan she could tell all of the names wouldn’t hold up. Wise said that at naturalization ceremonies for new U.S. citizens, her office registers between 150 and 200 to people alone.
even if the number were reduced by 75% it would still be 14,500 illegal ballots that canceled out the legal vote of 14,500 Texas citizens.
“Anything is possible,” she said. “But I can tell just from our list, and I don’t know what anyone else’s looks like, but I can tell that universe is going to continue to shrink”,” the AP reported.
So what?
Is it somehow less scandalous if the 58,000 number shrinks by half to only 29,000 non-citizen illegal voters? Heck, even if the number were reduced by 75% it would still be 14,500 illegal ballots that canceled out the legal vote of 14,500 Texas citizens.
Even if, after tighter data analysis at the local level, it turns out the top-level analysis was 90% overstated that would still be 5,800 illegal votes cast. Exactly why would that number not still be recognized as unacceptably scandalous, especially given how many Texas races are decided by fewer than a hundred votes?
Now maybe you understand why I alone had listed robust funding the AG’s election fraud unit as a top priority for lawmakers in Austin this session, it is number 4 in my list.
See: Official admits mistakes in voter probe, apologizes for rollout