This “EPIC/FAIL” bill board faces west on the west side of Levelland, Hockley County, Texas on Hwy 114.
Just at the judge in divorce court tells the child support-paying parent that it does not matter that the spouse with the kids is spending the child support money on travel abroad because that child support money frees up other money so that the spouse with the kids can afford to pay for housing and food for the kids……..
….. the Beef Check Off Dollars paid to the WWF frees up money for WWF’s attempts to make the abolishment of private property ground affordable and palatable, and a part of the national narrative so that, I think, and there is evidence to support the following proposition, Texas State Agencies can start trading internationally in involuntary water credits on the Chicago Commodities Exchange through the TWDB’s Texas Water Trust at some point in the future.
Groundwater is not common property, common pool or common resource the way Ann Richards Democrat Andy Sansom of the Texas State University wants it to be. Andy is the fellow who lamented the Day Case decision that found groundwater to be private property. He is also the author of the “Water Is Life” article. He was, unless I am mistaken, connected to the TWPD during Ann Richards’ administration.
Groundwater is privately owned, not commonly owned. There is no more common property in the US after about the 48th state was ratified.
It’s all surveyed out and in the name of someone or something specific entity. The commons no longer exists above ground or below ground because survey lines delineate ownership from the sky to the center of the earth within those survey lines.
It is our duty to inform our legislators that their “very highest duty” is to the citizens’ rights, not the “best interest of the State” or the “priority of the State”; and, that their continuing to work with agencies against our God-given rights is a startling and gut-wrenching betrayal of our trust in them to do the right thing by sticking to the traditional private property values that made America great.
J. Adams, Esq.
Morton, Texas
I am glad Texas does not hold groundwater or rain water as communal property. It is held as such in Utah and you can be prosecuted for saving rain water. I understand why Utah developed that way (very arid climate, colonized by religious refugees who had nothing and were willing to work together to ensure survival and safety for each other, by keeping water communal no one could use up all the water before their neighbors could- which is actually possible in the arid Great Basin and prevented religious persecution through wasting/hoarding of water), but I sure like being able to have my own well in Texas.