George Rodriguez, writing for the Texas Scorecard, reports that after a recent public meeting it is clear that the Alamo Citizens Advisory Committee still wants to move the Cenotaph, the monument which recognizes those who died there fighting for our freedom, from the main site.
Robert Trevino, a liberal city councilman in San Antonio let the cat out of the bag that despite George P. Bush’s team scrubbing the Lefty language from their “reimagining” the Alamo website, the goal still remains to diminish the fight against Mexican tyranny for Texas Liberty and change the focus of the site.
…particularly silly when one realizes the mission… was only founded 300 years ago…

George P. Bush
Rightly, George Rodriguez writes: “Reading between the lines, the “plans to tell the entire 10,000-year story” means the 1836 Battle will be downplayed and watered down. Liberals want to make the Alamo’s story more inclusive of all people, and less about what some call “American imperialism” and “Manifest Destiny.”…Even Rosa Castro, the mother of former San Antonio mayor Julian Castro and current Democrat congressman Joaquin Castro, disparaged the Alamo’s symbolism and defenders during her activist days with “La Raza Unida.”
Leftists, and P. Bush who was reared in Florida, want the focus of Alamo Plaza changed to one in which the famous battle is but just one noted item, a blip in a window of a whopping ten thousand years of history which is particularly silly when one realizes the mission at the site was only founded 300 years ago, a far cry from ten thousand.
18 July 2018 update: City still firm on moving Cenotaph
I think this is an outrage and a way to lessen the significance of who the people of Texas are. It is like everything else the liberals do, start tearing down the foundation that makes something strong. We need to join together and stop this the same way we attacked C-Scope coming in to our schools.
For about 9700 years the site was inhabited mainly by migratory buffalo and some Indians killing a few for food and hides. How much more inclusive could you make THAT segment of pre-history? Nobody much cared about the area until some outside sources showed an interest in it. THEN, every one was interested. I am OK with repairs and select and careful restoration, but otherwise it is a sacred site to me that is best left for the ages, but not quite 10,000 years worth…
I am disgusted with liberal progressives rewriting our history. Leave the Alamo alone and George P. Please return to Florida. We know what your lofty plans are. No more Bushes needed here.
UPDATE MID-JULY: “City still firm on moving Cenotaph” Link is here: