Listener: Lubbock County voters & commissioner races

How many times have you heard someone say “I don’t know why they keep re-electing the same people to public office”?  That question should be asked of Lubbock County.

Have you received a 30% pay raise?  There are few jobs that allow an employee to hire on and then vote himself a pay raise

In August of 2014 every one of the now-sitting County Commissioners voted themselves nearly a 30% pay raise.  Included was a $17,585.00 increase in salary with a $4,800 allowance. I refer you to an article in the Lubbock Avalanche Journal dated Tuesday, August 26, 2014. The Commissioners did not vote themselves a pay raise because they are bad people but simply because they could. They also knew that most people would forget about their pay raise by the next time they had to run for re-election.  They claimed that even with the pay increase they would still be below the top pay for commissioners elsewhere. Have you received a 30% pay raise?  There are few jobs that allow an employee to hire on and then vote himself a pay raise. The County Commissioners Court is one.

One of the rationales given for raising their own pay was that by doing so it would encourage future candidates to seek office. I have a better idea and that is to announce you are not running for re-election and see how long it takes for someone else to announce as a candidate.

If you have a choice of candidates in the upcoming election I would urge you to consider someone new or just leave it blank. Send a message with a no vote.

Jack Briton Kyle

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