Is A.G. Ken Paxton’s indictment purely political?

Robert Pratt photo Copyright Pratt on Texas

Robert Pratt

Two respected criminal defense lawyers, one of whom successfully defended Tom DeLay, acting as special prosecutors have obtained an indictment of former state senator and now Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on two charges of securities fraud and a charge of failing to register with the state securities board.

The failing to register issue was already handled through administrative law by the state board with Paxton having paid a fine but, going for blood the appointed special prosecutors have leveled a third-degree felony charge on Paxton for the same item. Not legally double-jeopardy but morally so.

Is this a political operation against conservative Attorney General Ken Paxton similar to the Rick Perry case? Or, is there more to the story?

So Brian Wice and Kent Schaffer obtained an indictment of the Texas A.G. from a Collin County grand jury. Now we will move to the point where the accused actually gets some protections, the ability to tell his side, and to cross-examine witnesses. To this point, it has all been one-sided with several prosecuting authorities, including Travis County, having looked at the same case and having passed on moving forward.

Is this a political operation against conservative Attorney General Ken Paxton similar to the Rick Perry case? Or, is there more to the story?

The issues in this case have been long known and come mainly from a North Texas couple who lost some investment money and have been moaning about it for years attempting to make Paxton a scapegoat for their decisions. So no, it’s not just a political lawsuit but, the fact that such never gained traction with any prosecutor over the years until now probably is purely political.

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