Robert Pratt
The first business for members of the Texas House of Representatives Tuesday is the election of a Speaker of the House. The current Speaker was called in Forbes the Harry Reid of Texas. The New York Times and The Economist both happily reported on how Joe Straus is not a conservative.
Here’s a sampling of conservative reforms that Joe Straus and team have thwarted:
Joe “Boehner” Straus shouldn’t be in Austin, he should be in Washington, D.C. as his governing style and political philosophy much better fits under the white dome than the pink.
- HCR32 which urged Congress to cease imposing the Obamacare contraception mandate on businesses.
- Requiring local governments in Texas to list total outstanding debt and debt per capita on any ballot for a new bond election, that was in HB 960, 961 & 962.
- HB 98 by Rep. Charles Perry which would have required zero-based budgeting for all state agencies.
- HB1250 which would have placed greater restrictions on the state’s use of eminent domain.
- Rep. Scott Turner, now running for Speaker, filed HB 607 which would have begun the phase-out of the hated Franchise, or Margins, Tax.
The list goes on and on with a particular penchant by the Speaker to not let positioning bills through which protest the Federal Government’s continued overreach.
Joe “Boehner” Straus shouldn’t be in Austin, he should be in Washington, D.C. as his governing style and political philosophy much better fits under the white dome than the pink.
Boehner-Straus is hostile to many of the very mainstream principles of the Texas Republican Party platform. So, why do conservatives keep supporting his election to the most powerful legislative post?
I am surely confused about that. All I can figger is “follow the money!!”