Listener: Local media needs reform


I would like to start out by saying thank you for the show you put on I am 25 years old and I have been listening to talk radio since I found it driving a tractor when I was 13 and have been hooked ever since. Of all the shows I listen to I have to say when it comes to Texas politics you are spot on. I have recommended your show to many friends of mine.

I will say that with the Lubbock Avalanche Journal you have been very accurate in your reporting of their biases I have also been very adamant about the Lubbock-media reporting with a bias view point (especially KCBD news channel 11) but that brings me to my point that local media is the number one enemy of conservatives.

Local media has the greatest power over how the average Joe American formulates his views of the issues facing the nation. I know this to be true from the responses I get from people when I ask them what they think of different issues almost every time I ask them about any particular issue they remember what their 10 o’clock news organization told them about that particular issue.

Because as I have heard you say many times these beliefs start at the local level whether being school bonds or local ordinances. So I think if true conservatives are going to have a real voice in this country again we have to demand fair and unbiased reporting from our local media.

Thank you,

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