Red Light Cameras Losing Ground Nationwide

Redflex warns of contagion effect of bribery scandal reducing traffic camera installations.

RedflexSetbacks in the automated enforcement industry have have reached the point where the total number of red light camera and speed camera installations in the United States is on the decline. Redflex Traffic Systems, the second largest provider of automated ticketing machines in America, reported the first ever drop in the number of automated ticketing machines since it entered the market. For more than a dozen years, the Australian firm has enjoyed an unbroken streak, adding cameras year after year, despite the recession and turmoil in the financial markets. The streak came to an abrupt end in 2013, largely due to the bribery scandal in Chicago, Illinois and at least two other cities.

Read the full report here.

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  1. Traffic cameras are just another form of Policing for Profit as Capitalism distorts our Justice System. These companies are bottom-feeders and take a 40% cut of the tickets while creating MORE dangerous intersections by fixing the lengths of yellow lights to entrap drivers. You can read about how private companies and crooked politicians have turned our Police forces on their ear in every attempt to squeeze money out of the general public at

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