Poster-boy image for Biblical values diminished by actual record.

Robert Pratt
After I brought up that Jodey Arrington, who is running for Congress as a poster boy for Biblical values, has, even at his young age, been married three times, many who have bought his campaign positioning were absolutely incredulous – even accusing me of lying about the matter – that and I’m going to Hell for dare exposing something uncomfortable about their candidate.
You may choose ignorance, you may want not to believe that what is true is truth, but here is a little image-shattering information for you:
- Arrington married Nicole Elaine Rielly on 28 October 1995 in Lubbock County and divorced Nicole in Travis County four years later in August of 1999.
- Arrington then married Priscilla Jourdan Dobson Jones on 17 August 2002 in South Carolina and divorced Priscilla on 22 January 2007 in Fairfax County, Virginia.
- Arrington then married Anne Elizabeth Meyer on 10 May 2008 in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana.
The Lubbock A-J reported that Arrington met his current wife, Anne, while working in New Orleans for the Bush Administration in the Office of Gulf Coast Rebuilding, following Hurricane Katina. Records show that the Gulf Coast Rebuilding job was from March of 2005 to August of 2006 which is during the time he was married to Priscilla.
This wouldn’t much matter except that Arrington is running a campaign in which he presents himself as a paragon of Biblical values. Reality is quite different for the political-insider. And uncomfortable or not, democracy in a representative republic cannot survive without our being willing to look beyond a candidate’s contrived image to his life actions.
* Thanks go to sponsor USA Investigations for assisting Pratt on Texas in research needed to confirm this information that many of us already knew and others have had hidden from them.
Many thanks to Pratt for telling the truth!
Mr. Pratt, your post makes me believe have a very weak knowledge of Christianity but what I gather from this post most of all is that you are not a Christian at all as a Godly man wouldn’t say such things.
I will however pray for you mr Pratt
What an odd thing to write. Work on the grammar and punctuation a bit and maybe you’ll master the language enough to not draw such wrong conculsions from the writing of others.
I used to attend the same small church, Jodey and his wife and 3 youngest children attend. He only attended church to benefit his political campaign. He is a showman. He gets wives and then he leaves them. He is the epitome of daddy’s money. His brother is hot. His brothers wife is hot and cool. But Jodey and Anne are ******. I obviously don’t go to church anymore. Eat the rich.
Whatever you think of certain people, I don’t know why you would allow the failings of others (and we all have failings) to keep you from worshiping God. God is perfect and we attend church to worship God. We all need His correction, forgiveness, and love and our relationship with Him is never about how others comport themselves.