Texas Lottery scandals grow like a jackpot; where is Abbott? | Leftist Dem on Dem in Travis Co. – Pratt on Texas 2/21/2025

The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: The new national Democrat boss is putting Texas high on the list for action so what’s different this time? He seems to understand what matters most – redistricting.

Meanwhile the far Leftist Democrats in Austin squabbling and it is no surprise – Soros-backed district attorneys, purposefully soft on violent crime, are a disaster nationwide. However, Senator Sarah Eckhardt is just as guilty as D.A. Garza because she has spent a lifetime pushing the radical agenda of the Marxist Left.

Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

Texas lottery scandals are ballooning so it is a wonder that Gov. Abbott seems uninterested in addressing such. I wonder if legislators, despite any bloviating on the subject, actually have the guts to let the lottery die in Sunset Review this session. Here is a bunch of reporting on the scandals.

Oil and gas rig count unchanged this week.

Border news includes a really stupid report from the so-called “Human Rights Watch” blaming the Texas DPS for actions of the smugglers. Also, ICE raided a South Texas bakery that was knowingly employing illegal workers and the Leftist media acts as if it has never happened before. Heck, not that many years ago I remember reporting on the giant Shipley Do-nuts of Houston being raided for such.

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