Texans are paying extra, lots extra, for power because of wind and solar variability. – Pratt on Texas 2/19/2025

The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: Texas electricity ratepayers are paying huge amounts of money more than they should because of the variability (unreliability) of wind and solar electricity generation.

Brent Bennett, Ph.D. explains in detail the three “buckets” of cost from wind and solar variability and what needs addressing by the PUC and the legislature. You can find the full report on this matter here.

Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

Senator Creighton introduces ‘Texas Teacher Bill of Rights’ with pay raises for teachers.

Senator Kolkhorst files bill that would prohibit hostile foreign entities from purchasing land in Texas, reworked from last sessions poorly developed bill.

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