The news of Texas covered today includes:
Our Lone Star story of the day: There are big, expensive lessons for Texas coming out of the Los Angeles urban wildfires. So far, Texas legislators, while aware of the problem for years, have not had the fortitude to fix it. We have similar problems with TWIA as California has with FAIR and it is because of politicians.
DeVore: Government mismanagement, not climate change, is to blame for California’s destructive wildfires. Chuck references a book all should read, especially young adults, so that they can see what wimps we have become compared to our American ancestors: Two Years Before the Mast by Dana.
Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

Burrowcrat Coalition founder Dustin Burrows on the House floor.
The Texas GOP battle over whether or not the Texas House Republican Caucus should select the Speaker of the House is nasty, bitter, and now beyond the absurd. Burrowcrat Coalition backer Rep. Cody Harris “seeks felony charges against Texas GOP chairman” for standing up for the party’s platform and Burrowcrat “scorched earth” backer Rep. Carl Tepper says George Soros is running the Republican Party of Texas! Both of these things are beneath the bottom rung.
The Texan: Five Questions to Consider About the Texas House Speaker Race.
The race is not about Burrows and his Burrowcrat Coalition or David Cook and his backers, it about putting an end to the “most pervasive, long-lasting, and heavily funded divide in the Texas Republican Party.”
JCPenney merges with big brand group to create new company.
Listen on the radio, or station stream, at 5pm Central. Click for our radio and streaming affiliates, or hear the podcast of the show after 6pm Central here.
Anyone with half a brain knows that George Soros funds DEMOCRATS. Best buds Tepper & Burrows need to be ousted.