The news of Texas covered today includes:
Our Lone Star story of the day: State Representative James Frank of Wichita Falls announced a run to challenge Dade Phelan for Speaker of the House bringing the total to 4 challengers, 5 in the race.

Rep. James Frank
Rep. Frank is a good conservative on most issues, though my own column in 2017 reminds that he can stray, but members should give serious consideration to whether they want yet another speaker for whom his or her word is not necessarily a bond when political expediency comes in to play – see: Rep. Phelan, other Republicans intent on giving Texas Democrats that which voters refused to give.
Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

Lubbock County courthouse
Lubbock County commissioners Jordan Rackler, Precinct 4, and Jason Corley, Precinct 2, stand strong for taxpayers and again deny the quorum required to pass yet another Bowtie Bully Parrish tax increase. Parrish wants to increase county spending by seven and a half million dollars this year alone!
Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick releases additional “interim charges” for senators.
Texas HD73 Democrat candidate smokes pot on camera in a commercial pushing legalized marijuana.
We have an Anti-Wimp update today: Victim wrests gun from robber, uses it to ensure man robs no more.
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