What will Texas Dems do at national convention? | Secret Service lied, gave Trump less protection – Pratt on Texas 7/22/2024

The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: With Joe Biden out of the the re-elect race, announced on X by the way, what will Texas delegates to the Democrat convention do? I speculate that there is so little authentic thought diversity (factions) in today’s party that there is little chance of any real showdown between factions – they’ll follow the far Leftist agenda whether or not it’s good for them electorally. For example, why would a Democrat delegate want to pick a nominee (Harris) with a worse record than Biden on the border chaos when that issue is top of polling as a concern? And yet, that’s exactly where Willie Brown’s ex-lover is – worse than Joe Biden.

Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

After lying to the American public from top levels, the U.S. Secret Service now admits Trump campaign’s request for more security. The damnable fact that opens all this up to conspiracy ideas is this: “Trump was receiving a lesser level of protection afforded to former presidents and major party presidential candidates when 20-year-old gunman Matthew Thomas Crooks opened fire at the Republican presidential nominee’s campaign outdoor rally in Pennsylvania last Saturday.”

Austin insider and lobbyists’ friend, former RINO state Rep. Jim Pitts has died at 77. And longtime Houston Congresswoman, TX18, Sheila Jackson Lee has died. She’s lauded in the press but was an example of repeated ignorance and meanness.

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