Podcast Extra: Shrimping West Texas: The rise & fall of the Permian Sea Shrimp Co. with Bart Reid – July 2024

In this Pratt on Texas Podcast Extra, I interview marine biologist turned entrepreneur Bart Reid about his new book, out from Texas Tech University Press, about his successful, then not successful, efforts at commercially raising shrimp in the trans-Pecos desert of West Texas.

This is one of the most enjoyable and interesting interviews I have done in many years and I’m sure you’ll find it so as well.

This is a link to the local news story I mentioned in the interview: https://www.newswest9.com/article/news/local/staying-afloat-last-shrimp-farmer-in-west-texas/513-50237083-448f-4339-bd1c-7b0748455333

You can order Shrimping West Texas: The rise & fall of the Permian Sea Shrimp Company from the TTU Press here.

Or, order for Kindle or paperback from Amazon here. (It helps the show a tiny bit financially when you use my link to Amazon to order.)

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