Texas border “wall” will take 30 more years to build | Texas [un]Ethics Commission problems – Pratt on Texas 7/3/2024

The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: At the current rate of construction, the Texas state border barrier, which is not even a wall in places, will take 30 years to complete and billions of dollars. Is it worth it given the restrictions on where the state barriers are placed and how effective it can be?

Also, more on the Democrat judge in El Paso ruling that the Attorney General cannot investigate an El Paso charity that has been accused of aiding illegal immigration.

Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

Another story on the Texas [un]Ethics Commission is out as a hit piece on Ken Paxton as you might expect. It’s really much ado about nothing in one sense and in another its a hint at why the state has rarely, for decades, gone after people to force payment of fines levied by the agency.

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