Media misleads on Tx infant-mortality report | Biden backs out of Texas State debate | Key court action – Pratt on Texas 6/25/2024

The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: Texas pro-baby killing abortion people, media included, have “mislead” on a Texas infant-mortality study. What’s even more perplexing is how those who favor elective killing of babies, abortion, have also been the folks decrying high infant-mortality rates. It’s crazy that a baby killed in the womb doesn’t count as infant-mortality.

Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

Feeble Biden backs out leaving Texas State University without the Presidential debate it has spent big money to host. “Co-chairs of the commission [on Presidential Debates] say the Biden-Harris campaign will not agree to debate under the sponsorship of the commission this year.”

Texas named Best Business Climate in the nation, again. And while it is the best all is not coming up roses due to the Democrat/Biden mismanagement of economic policy and overspending. Dallas Fed: Growth in Texas service activity moderates; Texas retail sales continue falling.

Key business-related court actions: Federal Judge in Texas Skeptical of Biden Overtime Pay Rule and federal judge in Lubbock accuses labor department of doing “violent damage to the Constitution” in Davis-Bacon Act expansion by rule.

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