Texas is an extremely successful state with an economy among the most diversified and a population growing at a fast clip. Much of Texas’ success has come because of conservative Republican policy enacted as the GOP gained cultural and political power since the Reagan era.
But as Mr. Reagan himself was fond of saying, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Many other states, as well as countries, adopted Reagan-like economic and regulatory policy after the world experienced the success of such but then, as time went along, backslid right into the same failed policies that wrecked states throughout the 1960’s and ’70’s. This is precisely what we see from Biden era Democrats as they’ve fully gone back to their terrible economic and cultural practices that brought Reagan and the conservative wing of the Republican Party to power. Today’s Democrats have even chose to ignore the somewhat successful, politically speaking, hybrid policies of Bill Clinton.
Texas has generally maintained the course of Reaganism with restrained and predictable business regulation; controlled spending (at the state level, local governments are not performing well in this area); and, cultural and social policy that is attractive to traditional Americans who have joined in the 19th Century’s famous “Gone to Texas” fever at record levels of late.
The problem is that people in Texas, and that includes politicians and those who support them, share the same human nature as those in places that have ignored the successes in front of them and are prey to demonstrably false ideas leading them into the backsliding we see with Biden era Democrats who, by the way, have done all they can to purge any and all moderation or classical liberalism from their party.
Since taking control of the Texas Legislature there has been a long line of power hungry pseudo Republicans who have partnered with Democrats to gain power and then used that power to beat back policy favored by Republican voters as opposed to moving the GOP agenda forward.
The age-old “moderates” in the Republican Party of Texas often claim conservatism as their label but in practice spend more effort trying defeat, embarrass, and purge conservatives and conservative policy than they do fighting Democrats. Since taking control of the Texas Legislature there has been a long line of power hungry pseudo Republicans who have partnered with Democrats to gain power and then used that power to beat back policy favored by Republican voters as opposed to moving the GOP agenda forward.
These Republican-in-name-only, RINO, Republicans are slippery and often hard for those who pay limited attention to identify. They focus a lot more effort on stopping conservative government, economic, and social policy than they do to frustrating and defeating Democrats. In fact, one way to spot them is that they are often praised by leftists in the press as being of a “bi-partisan” nature and good at “working across the aisle.” Those can be good skills but not when used to frustrate conservative policy momentum and give leftist Democrats policy boosts they have not earned at the ballot box.
It is you who have the power to keep Texas conservative momentum moving forward and stop the backsliding.
It is only you who have the vote – the vote that decides whether go-along-to-get-along lazy legislators and their worse RINO masters have their hands on the levers of power. Or, whether people who are movement conservatives, not backsliders, end up with power to fight the ruinous Left represented by radical Biden era Democrats.
It is only you who have the vote – the vote that decides whether go-along-to-get-along lazy legislators and their worse RINO masters have their hands on the levers of power. Or, whether people who are movement conservatives, not backsliders, end up with power to fight the ruinous Left represented by radical Biden era Democrats.
Only you have that power and it is exercised in Texas’ Republican Primary Election which is set for Tuesday, 5 March with early voting running from 20 February through 1 March.
Back in 2014, the late great Rush Limbaugh said to caller: “I quoted William F. Buckley Jr., who said that you want to support and elect the most conservative candidate who is viable, not electable, ’cause who knows, I mean, who gets to say who’s electable and who isn’t? You don’t know that ’til after it happens. Viability I think is the word that Buckley used. And I have to agree with him. If you’ve got a viable conservative option in a primary, why not take it?”
Reject candidates who want to be seen as mainstream in the wider society because, today, mainstream is liberal-left in all facets.
A key word even Rush left out of the Buckley quote is “right.” Buckley said “I’d be for the most right, viable candidate…”
When you go to vote, avoid candidates who are uncomfortable with the label “right wing” and choose the candidate, in the Republican Primary, who is most right and conservative within the meanings of the Republican Platform. Reject candidates who want to be seen as mainstream in the wider society because, today, mainstream is liberal-left in all facets.
Stop Texas backsliding with your vote March 5th
But as Mr. Reagan himself was fond of saying, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Many other states, as well as countries, adopted Reagan-like economic and regulatory policy after the world experienced the success of such but then, as time went along, backslid right into the same failed policies that wrecked states throughout the 1960’s and ’70’s. This is precisely what we see from Biden era Democrats as they’ve fully gone back to their terrible economic and cultural practices that brought Reagan and the conservative wing of the Republican Party to power. Today’s Democrats have even chose to ignore the somewhat successful, politically speaking, hybrid policies of Bill Clinton.
Texas has generally maintained the course of Reaganism with restrained and predictable business regulation; controlled spending (at the state level, local governments are not performing well in this area); and, cultural and social policy that is attractive to traditional Americans who have joined in the 19th Century’s famous “Gone to Texas” fever at record levels of late.
The problem is that people in Texas, and that includes politicians and those who support them, share the same human nature as those in places that have ignored the successes in front of them and are prey to demonstrably false ideas leading them into the backsliding we see with Biden era Democrats who, by the way, have done all they can to purge any and all moderation or classical liberalism from their party.
Since taking control of the Texas Legislature there has been a long line of power hungry pseudo Republicans who have partnered with Democrats to gain power and then used that power to beat back policy favored by Republican voters as opposed to moving the GOP agenda forward.
The age-old “moderates” in the Republican Party of Texas often claim conservatism as their label but in practice spend more effort trying defeat, embarrass, and purge conservatives and conservative policy than they do fighting Democrats. Since taking control of the Texas Legislature there has been a long line of power hungry pseudo Republicans who have partnered with Democrats to gain power and then used that power to beat back policy favored by Republican voters as opposed to moving the GOP agenda forward.
These Republican-in-name-only, RINO, Republicans are slippery and often hard for those who pay limited attention to identify. They focus a lot more effort on stopping conservative government, economic, and social policy than they do to frustrating and defeating Democrats. In fact, one way to spot them is that they are often praised by leftists in the press as being of a “bi-partisan” nature and good at “working across the aisle.” Those can be good skills but not when used to frustrate conservative policy momentum and give leftist Democrats policy boosts they have not earned at the ballot box.
It is you who have the power to keep Texas conservative momentum moving forward and stop the backsliding.
It is only you who have the vote – the vote that decides whether go-along-to-get-along lazy legislators and their worse RINO masters have their hands on the levers of power. Or, whether people who are movement conservatives, not backsliders, end up with power to fight the ruinous Left represented by radical Biden era Democrats.
It is only you who have the vote – the vote that decides whether go-along-to-get-along lazy legislators and their worse RINO masters have their hands on the levers of power. Or, whether people who are movement conservatives, not backsliders, end up with power to fight the ruinous Left represented by radical Biden era Democrats.
Only you have that power and it is exercised in Texas’ Republican Primary Election which is set for Tuesday, 5 March with early voting running from 20 February through 1 March.
Back in 2014, the late great Rush Limbaugh said to caller: “I quoted William F. Buckley Jr., who said that you want to support and elect the most conservative candidate who is viable, not electable, ’cause who knows, I mean, who gets to say who’s electable and who isn’t? You don’t know that ’til after it happens. Viability I think is the word that Buckley used. And I have to agree with him. If you’ve got a viable conservative option in a primary, why not take it?”
Reject candidates who want to be seen as mainstream in the wider society because, today, mainstream is liberal-left in all facets.
A key word even Rush left out of the Buckley quote is “right.” Buckley said “I’d be for the most right, viable candidate…”
When you go to vote, avoid candidates who are uncomfortable with the label “right wing” and choose the candidate, in the Republican Primary, who is most right and conservative within the meanings of the Republican Platform. Reject candidates who want to be seen as mainstream in the wider society because, today, mainstream is liberal-left in all facets.
Your vote is the deciding factor.