Why is it so hard A&M regents? | More misleading on property taxes | Impeachment | Abortion ruling – Pratt on Texas 8/7/2023

The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: Are Aggie jokes true?! If regents are finding it hard to blunt a perception of a Left-liberal agenda at Texas A&M then maybe the jokes are true because, frankly, it’s quite easy to deal with such without getting into the arena of academic freedom, etc. Just stop funding programs that promote Leftist political orthodoxy and campus and you’ll go a long way to solving the problem at A&M, Texas Tech, Texas State, UNT, Houston and so many others. You don’t have to fund conservative-Right programs either – just stop funding and promoting Leftist orthodoxy on campus!

Also on the subject of A&M’s absurd “settlement” with the UT professor it didn’t hire, state Rep. Brian Harrison has it right: “Like hell my constituents should have to pay a DEI activist professor one million dollars for simply not leaving one government job for another government job. She’s still tenured at UT Austin and is getting a $1M bonus? I will demand answers from Texas A&M University, my alma mater.”

Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.


Another all to common example of local media misleading voters on what local government is doing to property taxes out of Lamesa. The local paper says the council “adopts lower tax rate.” The rate doesn’t lower or raise, it gets set anew each year with a different set of base numbers. The truthful and meaningful message would be “Council adopts 2.75 % property tax increase” – that’s a lot different than “adopts lower tax rate.”

More impeachment debacle news. I discuss several issues and specifically mentioned the section about Paxton and Mindy Montford from this DMN story. Also, deadline for more charges has passed so it appears the ongoing House fishing didn’t land a fish.

Democrat liberal Travis County state district judge has substituted herself for a legislature and tried to rewrite Texas’ law restricting abortion and she used woke language too! Her blocking of parts of the law has itself been blocked by the state’s direct appeal to the Supreme Court.

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