The news of Texas covered today includes:
Our Lone Star story of the day: TX19’s Jodey Arrington under attack in DC; said to be called “incompetent” by U.S. House Speaker McCarthy. Caucus divisions explored in a New York Times piece that shows Arrington to be outside of the trust or respect of senior leadership.
Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

The Texas House debates its version of the budget today along with many amendments, some of which are test votes on things like school choice (the House voted 86 to 52 to ban use of budget money for school choice.) Additionally, why does the do little early House have to put huge bill debates on Maundy Thursday of Holy Week spilling into Good Friday? I find it offensive especially give how much time they have not spent debating bills before now.
And much more from the legislature including: Why should we repeal the 1973 sodomy laws to appease the Left?
Is a big scandal about to be made known involving a vocal Texas House conservative Republican? I’ll not name names until there is more detail known beyond the rumors swirling everywhere today.
Our old friend Trey Trainor, now a commissioner on the Federal Elections Commission, points out that the FEC has already decided that Trump’s issues upon which he has been indicted in NY are “…not a campaign finance violation. It’s not a reporting violation of any kind.“
I comment on the false narrative present in a new media attack on Justice Clarence Thomas.
And, other news of Texas.
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