The news of Texas covered today includes:
Our Lone Star story of the day: It’s back to the border debacle with two important court rulings; one federal from a State of Florida lawsuit and the other in Texas court about taxpayers footing the bill for attorneys for illegal aliens in civil cases.
Plus comment on the Matamoros murders of Americans the media decided to share and why you hear so little about how bad it really is in much of Mexico at the moment.
Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.
Local sales tax numbers show cities are mostly rolling in new cash and at a rate greater than inflation.
Comment on how Texas Tech’s athletic director and administration has a now long and shameful history of not standing up for the people they hire. They don’t side with the adults trying coach but reflexively side with and coddle the immature, self-entitled athletes who cannot take direction. It goes back to the Mike Leach travesty.
Even the slow to see reality Texas Capitol insiders now admit what I’ve told your for years is a problem with non-leadership. Don’t get sidetracked over Speaker versus Lieutenant Governor fighting as that’s long been the case and is part of how the system is designed in a bicameral legislature. The real admission is that the other part of the triangle, the Governor, doesn’t do a whole lot to provide leadership.
And, other news of Texas.
Listen on the radio, or station stream, at 5pm Central. Click for our radio and streaming affiliates, or hear the podcast of the show after 6pm Central here.
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