Texas House of Representatives
This Pratt on Texas Podcast Extra (42 minutes) contains the nominating speeches for Texas House speaker for the 88th Regular Session of the legislature.
Much can be learned by listening to these speeches.
From a conservative standpoint, Rep. Slaton and Rep. Tinderholt layout a strong case for change in House leadership. From an internal political self-interest side the others layout a case for Phelan, at least that’s how I heard it (and I mean that objectively and separate from my opinion of who would make the best speaker.)
Those speaking, in order, were:
- Rep. Cody Harris (R) – Nominating Phelan
- Rep. Bryan Slaton (R) – Nominating Tinderholt
- Rep. Angie Chen Button (R) – for Phelan
- Rep. Nate Schatzline (R) – for Tinderholt
- Rep. Tracy King (D) – for Phelan
- Rep. John Lujan (R) – for Phelan
- Rep. Toni Rose (D) – for Phelan
- Rep. Tony Tinderholt (R) – for himself, Tinderholt
- Rep. Shelby Slawson (R) – for Phelan
Make up your own mind. For me, from the speeches, it was a choice between folksy he’s-a-great-guy stuff and supports some Democrat policy or, those focused on making substantive changes in how we govern and empowering conservatives to pass what their constituents want them to pass.
It is Secretary of State Jane Nelson presiding.
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