Abortion: Federalism win doesn’t protect life | Texas employee retirement system surprise | Lubbock council race kerfuffle – Pratt on Texas 5/4/2022

The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: Is a win for Federalism the right way to handle abortion at the Supreme Court? While it is great to learn that after decades of work we may have the votes to overturn Roe vs. Wade, which is an awful decision from many angles, how is it “constitutional” to let states decide by vote that the lives of little babies in the womb can be taken for the convenience of those who copulated to create them? This is a good, short piece on the subject: https://bigjolly.com/the-leaked-dobbs-draft-decision-is-a-disaster/

Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

Lubbock’s District 5 city council race kerfuffle has many candidates and supporters saying things my experience tells me they wouldn’t be saying if they were the campy with big PAC support.  There is little to the story except that Dr. Jennifer Wilson, whose husband is a firefighter, is getting huge financial support in the city’s toughest race from firefighters. And since when did Lubbock have a beef with its firefighters politically? Where did all this fear of firefighters having a friend on the council become a problem?

Anti-Wimp update.

Don’t believe those, especially elected officials, who simply assert it (CRT, homosexual, or any other radical Leftist agenda) “isn’t happening here” unless they can demonstrate that they have seriously investigated. We’ve just found out the Employee Retirement System of Texas has been voting shareholder votes for pro-Leftist radical environmental issues that target our oil and gas industry. This stuff seems to be going on most everywhere and we must have the guts to look deeply, even locally, to ensure that such is stopped or not happening to begin with.

And, other news of Texas.

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