The news of Texas covered today includes:
Our Lone Star story of the day: Texas state Senator Charles Perry, SD28, on the massive state spending for border security: “We are currently going to build a $750 million chain link fence… A $45 set of bolt cutters can make hay of that fence pretty quickly.” In an excerpt from a long form interview done with Senator Perry today by Pratt on Texas which will be podcast uncut soon, Perry said that many colleagues believe an “offensive posture” by the USA is all that will get our border with Mexico back under control.
Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.
Texas sales tax collections up substantially over the same period in both 2020 and 2019.
It is election day and almost $11 billion is on various ballots for debt which is essentially voting property tax increases on yourself. What will you do?

Robert Zimmerman’s Bob Zimmerman joins us for a short Texas space industry update as well as mention of Mars’ rover activity. It’s also keep independent time if you can help out.
And more news of Texas.
Listen on the radio, or station stream, at 5pm Central. Click for our affiliates, or hear the podcast of the show after 6pm Central here.
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