Scandal in Austin x 2 | Key gun case to be heard by SCOTUS – Pratt on Texas for 4/26/2021

The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: Texas capitol gets two scandals over the weekend. First, RINO state Rep. Huberty drives drunk and crashes his Corvette under a mini-van near Porter. Then word gets out that a capitol staffer believes a well known lobbyist with mega lobby firm Hillco Partners used a date rape drug on her.

Why Texas legislators’ rush to create a big fund to pay for rural broadband-speed Internet is a wasteful idea way too late to matter – except to allow for some old style entities to pocket a bit of our cash.

U.S. Supreme Court turns down a hearing of Texas’ case against California over it enacting a state-funded travel ban to Texas simply because Texas allows church-based adoption services to opt out of placing children in homosexual households.

SCOTUS justices agree to take a key gun and self-defense related case out of New York.

Jack County commissioner quits over threats to his life over issue of ending tax abatements for electricity wind “farms,” plus the news of Texas.

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