In early bill filing in Austin Democrats continue to load up the stack with anti-gun rights bills and more bloated bureaucracy for local government, especially public schools.
Take for example HB 605 filed by liberal Democrat Rep. Barbara Gervin-Hawkins of San Antonio which creates yet another non-education related mandate for public schools, schools Democrats like her always claim are broke and stretched to the limits. Her bill is called the “Healthy and Safe School Water Plan,” no doubt so if you oppose it you can be said to be against clean water for children. The stupid bill requires extra testing of water in schools despite the fact that all public water systems already must undergo the same tests she requires.

Rep. James Frank
On the good bill front Rep. James Frank of Wichita Falls and Senator Bryan Hughes have filed companion bills which reform CPS adding needed protections for parents and families from unjust bureaucratic action.
SB190 and HB 576 amend the Family Code to better define “neglect” and add more due process rights for parents. The bills clarify that neglect is not “allowing the child to engage in independent activities that are appropriate and typical for the child’s level of maturity, physical condition, developmental abilities, or culture.”
Sadly we have a history of parental abuse by some CPS personnel in which the agents simply decide things we all may think normal and acceptable to be abuse and then proceed to use such as a pretext to ruin families.
Franks and Hughes have a reasonable solution to a known problem. Democrats just keep filing bills to waste money, duplicate bureaucracy, and infringe upon our natural rights.
I truly hope the CPA Reform bill includes restrictions, that prevent CPS workers from removing children from a home, without a court order.
As it stands, now, CPS can remove any child from any home, for any reason they deem necessary… until the child reaches age 18. So if they remove the child from the home, at age 6, CPS can do so, without judicial input or oversight, for twelve years, if they so choose
It addresses some of that, click through and read the story and go look at the bill.