Jonah Goldberg, for National Review, once wrote, partly about today’s cancel culture:
“Has Western civilization made mistakes? Sure (cue the Monty Python skit about Rome). Terrible things have been done in its name, a statement one can make about every civilization that has ever existed. But to say that the mistakes define us more than the accomplishments is suicidally stupid. And if you subscribe to those planks I mentioned above, I’d like to suggest that telling people they’re bigots for taking pride in the civilization that brought them forth better than any other is like taking a sledgehammer to the soapbox you’re standing on.”
Those basic planks of the platform of Western Civilization that have solidified and endured, according to Goldberg, are:
Support for human rights
Belief in the rule of law
Dedication to democracy
Free speech
Freedom of conscience
Admiration for science and the scientific method
Curiosity about other cultures
Property rights
Tolerance or celebration of technological and/or cultural innovation
Review these basics of Western Civilization again and recognize what a colossal failure is our entire educational system
Classically we call these “liberal” points of view but in American parlance it is American conservatism which stands for these basics of classical liberalism.
Review these basics of Western Civilization again and recognize what a colossal failure is our entire educational system, from Pre-K to university graduate degrees, that huge numbers of people, who demand support of most or all of these ideas, actually apologize for, and often oppose, the cultures which have developed and strengthened such ideas and practices, freeing and empowering human beings.
Western Civilization and cultures are superior as a whole so why decry it?
“Has Western civilization made mistakes? Sure (cue the Monty Python skit about Rome). Terrible things have been done in its name, a statement one can make about every civilization that has ever existed. But to say that the mistakes define us more than the accomplishments is suicidally stupid. And if you subscribe to those planks I mentioned above, I’d like to suggest that telling people they’re bigots for taking pride in the civilization that brought them forth better than any other is like taking a sledgehammer to the soapbox you’re standing on.”
Those basic planks of the platform of Western Civilization that have solidified and endured, according to Goldberg, are:
Review these basics of Western Civilization again and recognize what a colossal failure is our entire educational system
Review these basics of Western Civilization again and recognize what a colossal failure is our entire educational system, from Pre-K to university graduate degrees, that huge numbers of people, who demand support of most or all of these ideas, actually apologize for, and often oppose, the cultures which have developed and strengthened such ideas and practices, freeing and empowering human beings.
See: The Attacks on Christopher Columbus Expose the Crisis Within Western Civilization