Today is Election Day in the Texas Senate District 30 race. Listeners who live in SD30, which includes Wichita County, and have not yet voted, I ask you to get to your polling place today and cast your vote for Drew Springer for Texas Senate.
Tonight is the presidential campaign debate between President Donald Trump and Obama’s former Vice President Joe Biden. If you are in Lubbock watch the debate with Chairman Cole Shooter, guest host Matt Crow, me, and many of your GOP friends at Hillcrest Country Club.
Those with an agenda and the ignorant in the media have much ballyhooed Donald Trump’s tax returns data but boy do they misunderstand, or purposely misrepresent, a lot.
For example, in the Houston Chronicle’s big write-up, they focus on Trump’s personal income tax liability having been “just $750… the year he entered the White House.” But you have to read the detail to learn that Trump has actually “paid an average of $1.4 million” in federal income taxes annually from 2000 to 2017.
And before the much discussed refund he’d paid $95 million in federal income taxes over those 18 years.
One thing is clear, the writers truly do not much understand the difference in the tax law between business and personal income and have little to no clue about the difference between asset value, capital gains, and what the government defines as income.
Remember, it was Warren Buffet who said his secretary paid more income tax than did. The wealthy pay a ton of taxes but mostly out of the business operating side, not personal income.
On Trump’s ballyhooed tax returns
Tonight is the presidential campaign debate between President Donald Trump and Obama’s former Vice President Joe Biden. If you are in Lubbock watch the debate with Chairman Cole Shooter, guest host Matt Crow, me, and many of your GOP friends at Hillcrest Country Club.
Those with an agenda and the ignorant in the media have much ballyhooed Donald Trump’s tax returns data but boy do they misunderstand, or purposely misrepresent, a lot.
For example, in the Houston Chronicle’s big write-up, they focus on Trump’s personal income tax liability having been “just $750… the year he entered the White House.” But you have to read the detail to learn that Trump has actually “paid an average of $1.4 million” in federal income taxes annually from 2000 to 2017.
And before the much discussed refund he’d paid $95 million in federal income taxes over those 18 years.
One thing is clear, the writers truly do not much understand the difference in the tax law between business and personal income and have little to no clue about the difference between asset value, capital gains, and what the government defines as income.
Remember, it was Warren Buffet who said his secretary paid more income tax than did. The wealthy pay a ton of taxes but mostly out of the business operating side, not personal income.