Ill-defined, undisciplined movements often produce results opposite original intent

Pratt on TexasWhat specifically do you hope to accomplish? That’s a question I have long asked of people who suggest to me action related to social or political issues. Sadly, it is a question rarely well considered by the “we’ve just got to do something” crowd.

We would assume those protesting around the country are doing so about the issue of unjust violence by police toward minority populations. Real or perceived as systematic, it is a serious problem when someone uses the authority of police power we have loaned them to abuse someone. It is an especially consequential problem if such abuse leads to loss of life.

Movements not well disciplined and defined are easy hosts for unwanted political and social parasites.

In asking “What specifically do you hope to accomplish?” with the current protests I think a sober review of such leads to the realization that even if completely caused by outsiders and infiltrators, which may be or may not be true, the vulgar displays of anarchy, stupidity, ill-defined rage, looting and violence, in the current protest model are not likely to win friends and influence people in the way intended by those with legitimate concerns of actual justice.

Just doing something often becomes the unintended construction of platforms easily highjacked by those with malicious intent. Movements not well disciplined and defined are easy hosts for unwanted political and social parasites.

Energy about real or perceived police injustice would be far better directed at legislative and other structural changes than toward mob passion in the street that ends up, due to the actions of some, having most Americans actually rooting for the police to start shooting and arresting people en masse creating the very opposite of what the pure of heart wanted from the demonstrations.

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  1. Bob Strong says


    • Pratt on Texas says

      He who creates an ill-defined movement without discipline and order creates a movement EVIL will highjack and turn to its own uses.

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