Some in the Texas political press made a big deal over Democrat turnout in the primary election in a hopeful sense that a big turnout means Dems are gaining ground on Republicans in Texas. I observed that in a presidential cycle, with a big race at the top of the Democrat ballot and no huge races on the Republican ballot, it only makes sense that Dems had a slightly higher turnout.
A story in the Dallas Morning News reported: “This is the first time since 2008 primary that Democrats beat Republicans in turnout, but Republicans say they’re not worried about the surge in voters.”
Even with the Democrat presidential race, Dem turnout was higher than the GOP by less than a percentage point and turnout for both parties can hardly be celebrated as only about of a quarter of registered voters cast a ballot in the Texas primaries combined.
Candidates should note that once again more people voted in Early Voting than on Election Day, with that Early Vote number being higher among Republicans than Democrats.
Tarrant County Democrat Party director Marco Rosas is right that higher than past Democrat turnout is because of the party fielded far more local competitive Democrat races than in the past along with, of course, a major presidential nomination battle. And even with this bigger than normal turnout, Democrat primary vote turnout was still less than in 2008.
Texas Democrat primary turnout not impressive
A story in the Dallas Morning News reported: “This is the first time since 2008 primary that Democrats beat Republicans in turnout, but Republicans say they’re not worried about the surge in voters.”
Candidates should note that once again more people voted in Early Voting than on Election Day, with that Early Vote number being higher among Republicans than Democrats.
Tarrant County Democrat Party director Marco Rosas is right that higher than past Democrat turnout is because of the party fielded far more local competitive Democrat races than in the past along with, of course, a major presidential nomination battle. And even with this bigger than normal turnout, Democrat primary vote turnout was still less than in 2008.
Republican turnout in November, with Trump facing whatever Leftist the Dems put up, John Cornyn facing a likely well funded opponent for Senate, and many more competitive state legislative races, will be big – big enough to remind Democrats of Texas’ Republican four- to ten-percent majority statewide.