So much for Socialist Bernie Sanders winning the Texas Democratic Primary. Nope, instead Texas Democrats opted for a doddering, befuddled party-insider known mostly for unintentional wordplay, olfactory curiosity, and general solecism – especially of the hands-on type.
Those Texas Democrats who mostly had no idea for whom they would vote for U.S. Senate just a day before the primary election, gave Joe Biden a four-point victory over Bernie Sanders and the only people more disappointed than Bernie are Munchkin Mike Bloomberg, who spent a fortune to buy just fourteen percent of the vote, and equally diminutive Julian Castro who still couldn’t pull a full percentage point from the know-nothings even in his home state.
Mary “MJ” Hegar
And in that big race to be the next Beto Pancho and lose to a Republican for U.S. Senate in November, those undecided Democrats gave the front-runner, Mary “MJ” Hegar only 22.36% of their vote setting up a runoff on May 26th with state Senator Royce West of Dallas who only motivated 14.53% of Democrats to vote for him and yet made it to second place.
State Senator Royce West, Democrat of Dallas
There was a bright spot in the Texas Democratic Primary for sanity: In TX28 longtime Congressman Henry Cuellar pulled out a narrow victory over Leftist Jessica Cisneros who had the full backing the far-Left mainstream of the national Democratic Party including former bartendress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and crazy-haired Communist Bernie Sanders.
What was Henry Cuellar’s sin that he needed to be primaried? He dares to be pro-life.
And just so you know Texas Democrats passed, by a whopping 97.15%, a resolution declaring that everyone in Texas should “have the right to a life of dignity and respect” irrespective of how undignified they live their lives.
Yes, Democrats reject the entire ethos of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who dreamed of a day when people would actually be judge by the content of their character.
Dems give Texas to a befuddled party-insider; anoint no one for US Senate; Cuellar beats back AOC & Bernie
Those Texas Democrats who mostly had no idea for whom they would vote for U.S. Senate just a day before the primary election, gave Joe Biden a four-point victory over Bernie Sanders and the only people more disappointed than Bernie are Munchkin Mike Bloomberg, who spent a fortune to buy just fourteen percent of the vote, and equally diminutive Julian Castro who still couldn’t pull a full percentage point from the know-nothings even in his home state.
Mary “MJ” Hegar
And in that big race to be the next Beto Pancho and lose to a Republican for U.S. Senate in November, those undecided Democrats gave the front-runner, Mary “MJ” Hegar only 22.36% of their vote setting up a runoff on May 26th with state Senator Royce West of Dallas who only motivated 14.53% of Democrats to vote for him and yet made it to second place.
State Senator Royce West, Democrat of Dallas
There was a bright spot in the Texas Democratic Primary for sanity: In TX28 longtime Congressman Henry Cuellar pulled out a narrow victory over Leftist Jessica Cisneros who had the full backing the far-Left mainstream of the national Democratic Party including former bartendress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and crazy-haired Communist Bernie Sanders.
What was Henry Cuellar’s sin that he needed to be primaried? He dares to be pro-life.
And just so you know Texas Democrats passed, by a whopping 97.15%, a resolution declaring that everyone in Texas should “have the right to a life of dignity and respect” irrespective of how undignified they live their lives.
Yes, Democrats reject the entire ethos of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who dreamed of a day when people would actually be judge by the content of their character.