“Environmentalists warned the D.C. Circuit on Monday that air quality will suffer across the country if the court does not stop the Trump administration from giving states permitting power for power plants and refineries,” reported Courthouse News.
The case is an example of how the Sierra Club and other groups are not actually interested in a better environment as much as they are in having central government control of their agenda. When pressed by a judge on the D.C. Circuit Court, the Sierra Club attorney conceded that not every state permit will boost pollution levels, but the lawyer “emphasized the potential for permits to harm neighboring states, since pollution travels downwind,” according to the report.
…progressives ultimately argue that everything anyone in any state does will somehow affect those in another state and thus all is subject to centralized Federal government control.
As we saw decades ago in the judiciary’s abuse of the Interstate Commerce Clause, progressives ultimately argue that everything anyone in any state does will somehow affect those in another state and thus all is subject to centralized Federal government control.
And if you think it’s bad now, and it is, wait until we have a fully government funded healthcare system – at that point every part of even the most private parts of your life become fair game for control and regulation by bureaucrats because every detail of your life affects your cost to the healthcare system.
These movements, from healthcare to environmentalism, are essentially movements to end freedom and justify government control over the lives of all people in all ways.
Most Leftist movements are anti-freedom, stronger government in nature
When we covered the big issue of the Obama administration coming in and taking away Texas own air quality plan for industry and forcing the EPA plan on us, there were many reports citing evidence, including from the EPA I seem to remember, that Texas’ more flexible plan had actually been more effective at reducing air pollution than had the EPA plan used in some other states.
The case is an example of how the Sierra Club and other groups are not actually interested in a better environment as much as they are in having central government control of their agenda. When pressed by a judge on the D.C. Circuit Court, the Sierra Club attorney conceded that not every state permit will boost pollution levels, but the lawyer “emphasized the potential for permits to harm neighboring states, since pollution travels downwind,” according to the report.
…progressives ultimately argue that everything anyone in any state does will somehow affect those in another state and thus all is subject to centralized Federal government control.
As we saw decades ago in the judiciary’s abuse of the Interstate Commerce Clause, progressives ultimately argue that everything anyone in any state does will somehow affect those in another state and thus all is subject to centralized Federal government control.
And if you think it’s bad now, and it is, wait until we have a fully government funded healthcare system – at that point every part of even the most private parts of your life become fair game for control and regulation by bureaucrats because every detail of your life affects your cost to the healthcare system.
These movements, from healthcare to environmentalism, are essentially movements to end freedom and justify government control over the lives of all people in all ways.