Law enforcement by camera.
The number of accidents fell after speed cameras were removed from Brazil’s federal highway last month. President Jair Bolsonaro on Friday cited the statistics as he defended his decision to pull the plug on photo radar against the claims of critics that he had put public safety in jeopardy.
“A month after we decided to suspend the use of mobile radars on federal highways until approval of inspection standards by the Ministry of Infrastructure, data from the PRF [federal police] indicate that in August, the number of fines fell 64 percent from the half-year average and the number of deaths fell as well,” Bolsonaro explained on Twitter.
Comparing road fatalities in August 2018, with speed cameras active, to August 2019 with the devices turned off, the number of road fatalities dropped from 454 to 283. The number of accidents and injuries likewise fell to the lowest level recorded in the past twenty months.
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