The oft’ confused Erica Grieder is now working for the Houston Chronicle and penned a column recently on how “honorable” Beto Pancho’s new campaign strategy is.
Grieder buys into the completely media-created idea that “Trump’s election emboldened white nationalists…” She wrote that “…in the wake of the El Paso attack, it’s impossible to deny that.”
Well Erica I do deny that. The actions of one person, or even a few hundred, do not make a significant movement and are not indicative of where we find our culture.
Well Erica I do deny that. The actions of one person, or even a few hundred, do not make a significant movement and are not indicative of where we find our culture. If that were true, based on book sales and polling, you would have to conclude that a huge plurality of Americans are preoccupied with alien beings abducting people and experimenting upon them. There is exponentially more online, on radio and TV, in books, and in our culture, even conferences across the country on alien abduction, than exists on supporting so-called “white nationalists” or anything associated with racial supremacy.
Grieder writes that Trump has a “casual bigotry” and we “should take it as seriously” as does O’Rourke and his audience.
Grieder misses that when it comes to racial demagoguery, Beto Pancho O’Rourke makes anything Trump says seem tame.
Grieder misses that when it comes to racial demagoguery, Beto Pancho O’Rourke makes anything Trump says seem tame. The rich Anglo even adopted a Spanish name to appeal to an Hispanic constituency, how do you square that with him being honorable?
O’Rourke combines his racial and class-conscience language with so much anti-Americanism you could confuse him for an agent of influence of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. But it’s now fashionable to run down the country, and you can use as much racial division as you like so to do as long as it comes from a Leftist direction and the confused like Erica Grieder will lap it up.
Erica Grieder remains confused & deaf to demagoguery of the Left on race
Grieder buys into the completely media-created idea that “Trump’s election emboldened white nationalists…” She wrote that “…in the wake of the El Paso attack, it’s impossible to deny that.”
Well Erica I do deny that. The actions of one person, or even a few hundred, do not make a significant movement and are not indicative of where we find our culture.
Well Erica I do deny that. The actions of one person, or even a few hundred, do not make a significant movement and are not indicative of where we find our culture. If that were true, based on book sales and polling, you would have to conclude that a huge plurality of Americans are preoccupied with alien beings abducting people and experimenting upon them. There is exponentially more online, on radio and TV, in books, and in our culture, even conferences across the country on alien abduction, than exists on supporting so-called “white nationalists” or anything associated with racial supremacy.
Grieder writes that Trump has a “casual bigotry” and we “should take it as seriously” as does O’Rourke and his audience.
Grieder misses that when it comes to racial demagoguery, Beto Pancho O’Rourke makes anything Trump says seem tame.
Grieder misses that when it comes to racial demagoguery, Beto Pancho O’Rourke makes anything Trump says seem tame. The rich Anglo even adopted a Spanish name to appeal to an Hispanic constituency, how do you square that with him being honorable?
O’Rourke combines his racial and class-conscience language with so much anti-Americanism you could confuse him for an agent of influence of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. But it’s now fashionable to run down the country, and you can use as much racial division as you like so to do as long as it comes from a Leftist direction and the confused like Erica Grieder will lap it up.