About the 3 to 2 vote at Lubbock County in which the new county judge, Curtis Parrish, joined with all-hat-and-no-cattle Bill McCay and liberal Democrat Gilbert Flores to hurry up and put a $100 million road bond proposal on a May ballot, Scott Mann wrote at Lubbocklights.com:
“Not surprising was the massive flip-flop of newly elected County Judge Parrish.
Curtis Parrish, Lubbock County judge
During the Republican primary runoff for county judge, Parrish and former Lubbock City Councilman Gary Boren were asked about a road improvement bond election by KFYO radio personality Chad Hasty.
“Would you support a bond election to take care of roads in Lubbock County?” Hasty asked Parrish.
“No. I would not support a bond election. It puts us in debt. It puts us on a path to where the city of Lubbock is right now,” responded Parrish with no hesitation.
Folks, that was less than a year ago and Parrish has only been in office about six weeks, not nearly long enough to have learned new information justifying his lying to voters to get the new job that comes with the black robe.
And don’t buy the likely line of Parrish’s civic cheerleader backers that Pratt’s not telling the truth. Here is Curtis Parrish:
I held no personal animosity toward Mr. Parrish but I told voters he was a phony as a conservative and I knew it to be true.
Sadly, now Curtis Parrish is telling us he is also a liar.
Lubbock’s new county judge, Curtis Parrish, reveals to all he is an opportunistic liar
“Not surprising was the massive flip-flop of newly elected County Judge Parrish.
Curtis Parrish, Lubbock County judge
During the Republican primary runoff for county judge, Parrish and former Lubbock City Councilman Gary Boren were asked about a road improvement bond election by KFYO radio personality Chad Hasty.
“Would you support a bond election to take care of roads in Lubbock County?” Hasty asked Parrish.
“No. I would not support a bond election. It puts us in debt. It puts us on a path to where the city of Lubbock is right now,” responded Parrish with no hesitation.
Folks, that was less than a year ago and Parrish has only been in office about six weeks, not nearly long enough to have learned new information justifying his lying to voters to get the new job that comes with the black robe.
And don’t buy the likely line of Parrish’s civic cheerleader backers that Pratt’s not telling the truth. Here is Curtis Parrish:
I held no personal animosity toward Mr. Parrish but I told voters he was a phony as a conservative and I knew it to be true.
Sadly, now Curtis Parrish is telling us he is also a liar.