The Leftists must have been seething this week as the nation honored President George Herbert Walker Bush. Oh yes, they did all they could to rewrite and twist history in a way to give false impressions of their behavior and that of the press during Bush’s time in Washington. But their self-serving propaganda, with all its falsehoods, could not hide the things despised most by many of them: A tremendous testament to faith in Jesus Christ, church involvement, and witness; a testament to the importance of the nuclear family and the joy, order, and peace such brings to life, and; an unabashed true patriotism believing not just in country because one lives within the boundaries of such, but a belief in America, theses United States.
41st President George H. W. Bush
Leftist philosophers and adherents decry the traditional family and its binary inputs into forming up children; they work to break apart the family as God designed it in ways overt and often so subtle that even churches have been seduced by such.
The secularist and pseudo-religious on the Left try and convince us the values of the collective and the state are superior and work tirelessly to move children from the influence of their parents into the influence of indoctrinating educationalists and outside caregivers at ages earlier and earlier.
The Left and many prominent liberals seek to cast patriotism as a negative; true selfless service as something done by only by dupes and of course by those with motives carefully hidden, and; love of, and identification with, state and country as somehow a sign of a lack of sophistication.
But for several days the Left had on display how wrong they are in the remembrances of practicing Christian, involved father, faithful husband, patriotic warrior, proud Texan and prouder American, George H. W. Bush, our 41st President.
It was a life showing that the true lasting values, those of real worth, truly are God, Family and Country.
Bush’s life countered the Left; showed what are lasting values
41st President George H. W. Bush
Leftist philosophers and adherents decry the traditional family and its binary inputs into forming up children; they work to break apart the family as God designed it in ways overt and often so subtle that even churches have been seduced by such.
The secularist and pseudo-religious on the Left try and convince us the values of the collective and the state are superior and work tirelessly to move children from the influence of their parents into the influence of indoctrinating educationalists and outside caregivers at ages earlier and earlier.
The Left and many prominent liberals seek to cast patriotism as a negative; true selfless service as something done by only by dupes and of course by those with motives carefully hidden, and; love of, and identification with, state and country as somehow a sign of a lack of sophistication.
But for several days the Left had on display how wrong they are in the remembrances of practicing Christian, involved father, faithful husband, patriotic warrior, proud Texan and prouder American, George H. W. Bush, our 41st President.
It was a life showing that the true lasting values, those of real worth, truly are God, Family and Country.